MTBPG Group Meeting on Saturday, February 23rd

The February Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster Group Meeting will be held at 2:00 PM on Saturday, February 23rd at Espresso Joe’s in Smyrna, TN. On the agenda will be Podcamp, which I recently attended. We will also discuss the newly created blog at

I’m looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you and returning to our unscripted, unedited podcasting. I recommend adults only attend.

901 Rock Springs Rd
Smyrna, TN 37167
(615) 220-2870

Join Us January 26th for the next Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting.

New year, new outlook.

We will meet up this month on Saturday, January 26th at Espresso Joe’s in Smyrna, TN at 2:00 PM.

Come one, come all to the next Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group meeting. Make new friends, meet your favorite bloggers.

We’ll see you there.

Meeting Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the Middle Tennessee Bloggers and Podcasters Group meeting is today at 2:00 p.m.  We’re having a potluck, so you now have a great way to ditch your Thanksgiving leftovers!  The meeting is in the conference room of Bob Parks Realty at 557 Sam Ridley Parkway in Smyrna.

See you there!!


Here’s a picture of some of us last year at the pumpkin farm.  A nice, normal bunch of people who just like hanging out.  From left: Mark who is always quick to volunteer to help someone in need, Kathy T. author and annoyer, Ivy who is an innovator that started Home-Ec 101 and Music City Bloggers, Chip one of the greatest friends someone can have, and M. the highly skilled web and computer diva who started the bloggers group.

Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting

Today was another meeting of the Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group. Once again, it was lovely. We were joined by the usual cast of characters and even paid a visit by Senna Mosley, Alderwoman for La Vergne, TN. Like to know what was discussed? I’m supposing you’ll just have to come to one. When is the next one? I’m glad you asked…

Today we discussed meeting November 3rd. That is a Saturday. And continuing on with our regularly scheduled time and place, however, I understand that some would like change. With that, I propose that we meet at the Smyrna Bowling alley on 11/2… or, if you’d rather, we can do it during the Brandon Bowling event… You decide. I’ve also posted on the Smyrna site so I’m taking comments there as well. I really think it would be a lot of fun to get together and have a couple brewskies. What say you?

I’m going to be in Philladelphia for nearly a week in October and we have Halloween and all the good things that come along with that during October so October was going to be a difficult month. We can still meet in November but maybe mid week.

Report: Blogger Meeting

I want to start the report for the Middle TN Blogger & Podcaster Group meeting yesterday because a lot of important things happened for all to hear.  First, many thanks to Alderwoman Senna Mosely and her husband for coming by.  She was very informative and answered a ton of questions asked by people living both in LaVergne and Smyrna.

From the simple minded: “What can we do to take the space out from between La and Vergne?” (it was a joke, people!) to the more serious: “What do we expect at the workshop on Thursday?”  Well, we’re postponing bringing up the Beautification Committee because Ms. Mosely said we’d need at least 15 to 20 people to show up before the council would approve.  By our estimates, we only have about three people who said they could come or might be there.  I am going to attend the meeting anyway to get a feel for how the workshop works, though.  The meeting is Thursday, August 2nd in the City Hall at 5:00 p.m. (not 5:30 as reported previously).

In order to NOT move backward, though, we are setting up a new blog (still in the works) to form a Beautification Committee.  We want to start building a groundswell of support for the initiative through the remainder of the summer, fall, and winter, then kick off in a big way this spring.  We are looking for volunteers to be administrators of the new site.  If you are interested, please email me at:


Spammers can’t read graphics, hence the new image rather than the ‘take out the z’ schpiel. When we get it set up, I’ll add users to the site with full administrative privileges, make announcements, etc.

In other big news, we have set up a fundraiser to help Brandon Brewer.  Called “Bowling for Brandon,” we will be selling tickets beginning later this week for $20.  Whoever purchases a ticket will be able to come to the Smyrna Bowling Center off Weakley Lake overnight on Friday, September 28th for six-hours of unlimited bowling.  We will also be selling tickets during Old Timers’ Day in early September at Ms. Mosely’s table.  I am ordering “This is LaVergne” t-shirts for this event and if you can volunteer to work that day, let me know (by the email above) what your t-shirt size is.  I’ll then send you a price quote on how much it’ll cost.   Regarding the tickets, $15 of a $20 ticket will be donated to Mr. Brewer’s medical fund.

We will have more to post from the meeting after tomorrow when “View from the Lake” scans in a document and posts a compressed version of the file, available for everyone to read.  Stay tuned to more… much much more from “View,” including an announcement about our very own LaVergne YouTube channel!

Reminders and Not So Serious Stuff

Have I said lately how much I adore our contributing authors!  They know how to start some great conversations!  On a related note, I have been invited by the Daily News Journal to write a couple of guest columns about LaVergne*.  I’ve used some of the information that commenters here have shared as part of the column, so I thank each of you for your thoughts!  I’ll post if when the column is published.

Don’t forget the blogger meeting tomorrow at 2:00 p.m.  Alderwoman Senna Mosely will be there to give us some insight on the next workshop in which the board will consider a Beautification Committee.  The meeting is in the 2nd floor conference room of Bob Parks Realty, LLC on Sam Ridley Parkway.

Also, I wanted to remind everyone of my brother’s music gig tomorrow night at Fuel on Second Street, downtown Nashville. His band is called 69 South and they’ll be playing around 9:00 p.m. (doors open at 7:00 with an opening band).  I sure hope LaVergnites show up; if you see me there, say hello.  I’ll be easy to find — sidled up next to a wall somewhere.

Okay, now some fun.  I got this email tonight:

i ;cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porb elm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!  if you can raed tihs psas it on!!

As stated in the headline, no serious stuff here!

*LaVergne’s official spelling is La Vergne (note the space).  But I’ve decided that I’m not going to put the space in until our firetrucks put the space in.  Is that being stubborn?

Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting

It is once more time for the fun and frivolity that is The Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting.

Once a month those that you know and love, and some whom you may not either, gather together to learn from each other, strengthen our relationships, make new contacts and, heaven forbid its true, be social. You are welcome to come. We encourage participation. The only requirement, really, is that you are civil and respectful. Our topics of discussion range from technology to education to real estate and politics so there is something for everyone. While we generally maintain a G rating, be advised that we do occasionally head in the R direction.

Join us Saturday, July 28th at 2:00 PM at Bob Park’s Realty in Smyrna for this month’s gathering of the Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting.

557 Sam Ridley Pkwy.
Smyrna, TN 37167-5627

By the way, at our last meeting we discussed bringing a covered dish. Bring some grub or you’ll be hungry!

City News You May or May Not Use

I talked with Alderwoman Senna Mosely this morning and it was quite a conversation!  Did you know that the city’s fire department is privately owned and operated?  The city doesn’t own it’s fire department, but pays X amount to a contractor, James Gafford, to operate it.  O.o   Our rescue squad is comprised of volunteers, but the city does budget some money for them.

And the city’s 8-month finance director is now gone.  I’d suggest you call city administrator Mark Moshea to ask why.  By the way, I am doing some research about part time mayor w/administrator v. full time mayor.  Anyone have any thoughts on this as I work on my editorial?

As if all that news isnt’t big enough, my big news is that Mrs. Mosely is putting the formation of a “LaVergne Beautification Committee” on the agenda at the next Board workshop.  She asked if a group representing possible committee members could come to the next Board Workshop.  It’s scheduled at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 2nd. 

Ms. Mosely said the big question that will be asked is where the money will come from to finance any beautification projects.  Of course, I believe that anyone who serves on this committee would understand that their time is volunteer.  In addition, I hope to find donations of trees, shrubbery, etc.  Sidenote: Did you know that there was once money in a fund donated by Bridgestone/Firestone to put signs up welcoming people to LaVergne?  That money went to buy a van for the Senior Citizens Center (another good cause). 

What I’d like to do is to invite anyone interested in serving on the committee to the next Middle Tennessee Bloggers & Podcasters Group meeting.  Ms. Mosely is hoping to be there, as well, because she would be the council member who is the “official sponsor” of the committee.  The MTBPG meeting will be Saturday, July 28th at 2:00 p.m. at my office – Bob Parks Realty on Sam Ridley Parkway.  We are tentatively planning a potluck, so will have plenty of time to get to know each other and chat.  Please come.  I’ll post reminders about both the workshop and the MTBPG meeting here on   Hope you can make the meetings!  If you want to make LaVergne a prettier place to live, this is yoru chance!

Next Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting Date Set

Thanks to all who came out Saturday, March 17th to join us at Espresso Joe’s in Smyrna, TN for another installment of the Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting. Joining us were:

Ginger of Ginger Snaps (who also hosted Nashville is Talking)
Michael of Big Orange Micheal and This is Smyrna, TN
John H. of Salem’s Lots
Amy of Bad Bad Ivy
Elizabeth of Harelip Frog
Gunner of No Quarters and This Is Smyrna, TN
and myself of LaVergne, TN

Amy of Bad Bad Ivy
Michael of Big Orange Michael and This is Smyrna, TN
Ginger of Ginger Snaps
Elizabeth of Harelipfrog
Gunner of No Quarters and This Is Smyrna, TN
John of Salem’s Lots

Among things discussed were Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Peru, moving to Costa Rica, Gardening Blogs, Citizen’s Police Academy, Gun Owner’s Association, Up With People, Habitat for Humanity, and much much more…

If you did not make it, join us on Saturday, April 28th at 2:00 PM at Espresso Joe’s in Smyrna, TN for another installment of the Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting. It is fun and we love to have new people.

Those who were missed, Chip and Kathy T.

Come See Us Saturday – Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting

Are you a blogger or podcaster in the Middle Tennessee area? Do you have a desire to interact with your fellow blogger and podcasters face to face? If so you won’t want to miss the Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting on Saturday, March 17th at 2:00 PM.

Join the Middle Tennessee Bloggers and Podcasters at Espresso Joe’s in Smyrna, TN at 2:00 PM and partake of the joy of face to face interaction!